finance problem
Money is one of the biggest reasons that led to quarrels in the household. Not infrequently marriage fell apart because of financial problems. Financial problems are also not easy to explain. But do not worry, I have some tips to overcome the financial problems in the household;

Solar Cell System at House
In accordance with my promise on the previous post about energy save,This time, I will discuss the step by step how to make a solar cell system for household electricity needs. This way you can make considerable savings for your household. and do not forget to make sure you do it safely. I suggest you only use on low-power devices which is quite often use. let's get started.

Before going further, let us know how a solar cell works. Based on information from the wiki, A solar cell (also called a photo voltaic cell) is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photo voltaic effect.
father's role
OK, let's start talking about the role of a father and mother or wife and husband. If we give the symbol to a position, then the father is the leader of my family, the mother is the vice chairman and the child is ballad. As a father, we have to be aware if our role is very important and our decisions in the family. And what about the duty of each member of the family?